Women on the march
On Saturday, March 21, 2017, I attended, with thousands of others, the Women's March Toronto. Like many around the world recently, we were there to show our unwavering support for women who have been collectively attacked by the sexism and misogyny of the new American president, Donald Trump.

Immersed in the crowd of attendees, I felt compelled to photograph what I was deeply moved by: the unique faces of women. Even more than the wonderful, colourful signs they carried, with their messages of female empowerment, these face conveyed an undeniable strength and beauty, reminding me that femininity is power.

Some have asked me why I generally seem to prefer photographing women. I remember once replying that they are more fashionable and animated than men and so make better subjects. The more I reflect on it, however, I feel the truth about my preference goes beyond that.

At the moment, there are not many women--with the exception of my sister Laura--to whom I am near. My mother, Maria, and grandmothers, Tea and Evelina, passed away. They were each exemplary women I was always close with and, through their own strength and beauty, made me the confident person I am today.

I think photographing women is an attempt to re-experience, perhaps from a distance, the power of femininity my mother and grandmothers offered me. I am invigorated by that power in the process, inspired to be the best version of myself without fear or regret.
I hope these photos will allow you to feel the same.